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  • General Information
    In compliance with the duty of information provided in Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE) of July 11, the following general information data on this website are provided below: The ownership of this website,, (hereinafter, Website) is held by: OVO COLLECTIVE S.L., provided with CIF: B67609065 and registered in the Comercial Registry of Barcelona, ​​with the following registry data: Telematic registry, “asiento” 2696, “diario” 1328. Address: Calle Diputación 271, 08007 Barcelona, Spain Contact email:
  • General Terms and Conditions of Use
    The purpose of the conditions: The Website The purpose of these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter, Conditions) is to regulate access and use of the Website. For the purposes of these Conditions, the Website will be understood as: the external appearance of the screen interfaces, both statically and dynamically, that is, the navigation tree; and all the elements integrated both in the screen interfaces and in the navigation tree (hereinafter, Contents) and all those services or online resources that may be offered to Users (hereinafter, Services). VOA COLLECTIVE reserves the right to modify, at any time, and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website and the Contents and Services that may be incorporated therein. The User acknowledges and accepts that at any time VOA COLLECTIVE may interrupt, deactivate and / or cancel any of these elements that are integrated into the Website or access to them. Access to the Website by the User is free and, as a general rule, is free without the User having to provide a consideration to be able to enjoy it, except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network provided. by the access provider that the User has hired. The use of any of the Contents or Services of the Website may be done through the subscription or prior registration of the User. The user The access, navigation and use of the Website, as well as the spaces enabled to interact between the Users, and the User and VOA COLLECTIVE, such as comments and / or blogging spaces, confers the condition of User, therefore accept, from the moment you start browsing the Website, all the Conditions established herein, as well as their subsequent modifications, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding mandatory legal regulations as the case may be. Given the relevance of the foregoing, the User is recommended to read them each time they visit the Website. The VOA COLLECTIVE Website provides a great diversity of information, services and data. The User assumes his responsibility to make a correct use of the Website. This responsibility will extend to: - A use of the information, Contents and / or Services and data offered by VOA COLLECTIVE without being contrary to the provisions of these Conditions, the Law, morality or public order, or that in any other way may involve injury to the rights of third parties or the same operation of the Website. - The veracity and legality of the information provided by the User in the forms issued by VOA COLLECTIVE to access certain Content or Services offered by the Website. In any case, the User will immediately notify VOA COLLECTIVE about any fact that allows the improper use of the information registered in said forms, such as, but not only, theft, loss, or unauthorized access to identifiers and / or passwords, in order to proceed with their immediate cancellation. VOA COLLECTIVE reserves the right to withdraw all those comments and contributions that violate the law, respect for the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, spamming, that threaten youth or childhood, order or public safety or that, in his opinion, are not suitable for publication. In any case, VOA COLLECTIVE will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by Users through comments or other blogging or participation tools that may exist. The mere access to this Website does not imply any type of commercial relationship between VOA COLLECTIVE and the User. The User declares to be of legal age and have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these Conditions. Therefore, this VOA COLLECTIVE Website is not directed to minors. VOA COLLECTIVE declines any responsibility for the breach of this requirement.
  • Access and Navigation on the Website: Exclusion of Guarantees and Liability
    VOA COLLECTIVE does not guarantee the continuity, availability and usefulness of the Website, nor of the Contents or Services. VOA COLLECTIVE will do everything possible for the proper functioning of the Website, however, it is not responsible or guarantees that access to this Website will not be uninterrupted or error-free. Neither is it responsible or guarantees that the content or software that can be accessed through this Website is free from error or causes damage to the User's computer system (software and hardware). In no case will VOA COLLECTIVE be responsible for losses, damages or damages of any kind arising from access, navigation and use of the Website, including, but not limited to, those caused to computer systems or those caused by the introduction virus. VOA COLLECTIVE is not responsible for any damages that may be caused to users by improper use of this Website. In particular, it is not responsible in any way for falls, interruptions, lack or defect of telecommunications that may occur.
  • Privacy Policy and Data Protection
    Respecting the provisions of current legislation, VOA COLLECTIVE undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures, according to the level of security appropriate to the risk of the data collected. Laws included in this privacy policy This privacy policy is adapted to current Spanish and European regulations regarding the protection of personal data on the internet. Specifically, it respects the following rules: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD). Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPD-GDD). Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (RDLOPD). Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE). Identity of the person responsible for the processing of personal data The person responsible for the treatment of the personal data collected in VOA COLLECTIVE is: OVO COLLECTIVE S.L., provided with NIF: B67609065 and registered in: Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, ​​with the following registry data: Telematic registry, 2696, 1328, whose representative is: Juan Jose Blanco de la Osa (hereinafter, also Responsible for the treatment). Their contact details are as follows: Address: Calle Diputacion 271, 08007 Barcelona, Spain Contact telephone number: +34 690 317 702 Contact email: Record of Personal Data In compliance with the provisions of the RGPD and the LOPD-GDD, we inform you that the personal data collected by VOA COLLECTIVE through the forms provided on its pages will be incorporated and will be treated in our files in order to facilitate, expedite and comply with the commitments established between VOA COLLECTIVE and the User or the maintenance of the relationship established in the forms that the User fills in, or to attend to a request or query from the same. Likewise, in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD and the LOPD-GDD, unless the exception provided for in article 30.5 of the RGPD applies, a record of treatment activities is kept that specifies, according to their purposes, the treatment activities carried out and the other circumstances established in the RGPD. Principles applicable to the processing of personal data The processing of the User's personal data will be subject to the following principles set out in article 5 of the RGPD: Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency: the consent of the User will be required at all times, prior completely transparent information of the purposes for which the personal data is collected. Principle of purpose limitation: personal data will be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes. Principle of data minimization: the personal data collected will only be those strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed. Principle of accuracy: personal data must be accurate and always up to date. Principle of limitation of the conservation period: personal data will only be kept in a way that allows the identification of the User for the time necessary for the purposes of its treatment. Principle of integrity and confidentiality: personal data will be treated in a way that guarantees its security and confidentiality. Principle of proactive responsibility: the Data Controller will be responsible for ensuring that the above principles are met. Categories of personal data The categories of data that are treated in VOA COLLECTIVE are only identifying data. In no case are special categories of personal data processed within the meaning of article 9 of the RGPD. Legal basis for the processing of personal data The legal basis for the processing of personal data is consent. VOA COLLECTIVE undertakes to obtain the express and verifiable consent of the User for the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes. The User will have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. It will be as easy to withdraw consent as it is to give it. As a general rule, the withdrawal of consent will not condition the use of the Website. On the occasions in which the User must or may provide their data through forms to make inquiries, request information or for reasons related to the content of the Website, they will be informed in the event that the completion of any of them is mandatory because they are essential for the correct development of the operation carried out. Purposes of the treatment to which the personal data are destined Personal data is collected and managed by VOA COLLECTIVE in order to facilitate, expedite and fulfill the commitments established between the Website and the User or the maintenance of the relationship established in the forms that the latter fills in or to attend a request or inquiry. Likewise, the data may be used for a commercial, personalization, operational and statistical purpose, and activities of the corporate purpose of VOA COLLECTIVE, as well as for the extraction, storage of data and marketing studies to adapt the Content offered to the User, as well as how to improve the quality, operation and navigation of the Website. At the time the personal data is obtained, the User will be informed about the specific purpose or purposes of the treatment to which the personal data will be used; that is to say, of the use or uses that will be given to the information collected. Retention periods of personal data Personal data will only be retained for the minimum time necessary for the purposes of its treatment and, in any case, only for the following period: 10 years, or until the User requests its deletion. When the personal data is obtained, the User will be informed about the period during which the personal data will be kept or, when that is not possible, the criteria used to determine this period. Recipients of personal data The User's personal data will not be shared with third parties. In any case, at the time the personal data is obtained, the User will be informed about the recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data. Personal data of minors Respecting the provisions of articles 8 of the RGPD and 13 of the RDLOPD, only those over 14 years of age may grant their consent for the processing of their personal data in a lawful manner by VOA COLLECTIVE. If it is a minor under 14 years of age, the consent of the parents or guardians will be necessary for the treatment, and this will only be considered lawful to the extent that they have authorized it. Secrecy and security of personal data VOA COLLECTIVE undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures, according to the level of security appropriate to the risk of the data collected, in such a way that the security of personal data is guaranteed and accidental destruction, loss or alteration is avoided or illicit personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, or unauthorized communication or access to such data. The Website has an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate, which ensures that personal data is transmitted safely and confidentially, as the data is transmitted between the server and the User, and in feedback, fully encrypted or encrypted. However, since VOA COLLECTIVE cannot guarantee the impregnability of the internet or the total absence of hackers or others who fraudulently access personal data, the Data Controller undertakes to notify the User without undue delay when a violation occurs security of personal data that is likely to pose a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. Following the provisions of article 4 of the RGPD, a violation of the security of personal data is understood to be any violation of security that causes the destruction, loss or accidental or illegal alteration of personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, or unauthorized communication or access to said data. Personal data will be treated as confidential by the Responsible for the treatment, who undertakes to inform about and guarantee through a legal or contractual obligation that said confidentiality is respected by its employees, associates, and any person to whom the information. Rights derived from the processing of personal data The User has over VOA COLLECTIVE and may, therefore, exercise the following rights recognized in the RGPD with the Responsible for the treatment: Right of access: It is the right of the User to obtain confirmation of whether or not VOA COLLECTIVE is treating their personal data and, if so, obtain information about their specific personal data and the treatment that VOA COLLECTIVE has carried out or carries out, as well as, between another, of the information available on the origin of said data and the recipients of the communications made or planned thereof. Right of rectification: It is the right of the User to have their personal data modified that turns out to be inaccurate or, taking into account the purposes of the treatment, incomplete. Right to erasure ("the right to be forgotten"): It is the right of the User, provided that current legislation does not establish otherwise, to obtain the deletion of their personal data when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed; The User has withdrawn his consent to the treatment and this does not have another legal basis; the User opposes the treatment and there is no other legitimate reason to continue with it; the personal data has been unlawfully processed; personal data must be deleted in compliance with a legal obligation; or the personal data has been obtained as a result of a direct offer of services from the information society to a person under 14 years of age. In addition to deleting the data, the Data Controller, taking into account the available technology and the cost of its application. Right to limitation of treatment: It is the right of the User to limit the processing of their personal data. The User has the right to obtain the limitation of the treatment when he disputes the accuracy of his personal data; the treatment is unlawful; The Responsible for the treatment no longer needs the personal data, but the User needs it to make claims; and when the User has opposed the treatment. Right to data portability: In the event that the treatment is carried out by automated means, the User will have the right to receive from the Person in charge of the treatment their personal data in a structured format, of common use and mechanical reading, and to transmit them to another person in charge of the treatment. Whenever technically possible, the Data Controller will directly transmit the data to that other controller. Right of opposition: It is the right of the User not to carry out the processing of their personal data or to cease their treatment by VOA COLLECTIVE. Right not to be not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling: It is the User's right not to be the subject of an individualized decision based solely on the automated processing of their personal data, including profiling, Existing unless current legislation establishes otherwise. Thus, the User may exercise their rights by written communication addressed to the Data Controller with the reference "", specifying: - Name, surname of the User and copy of the DNI. In the cases in which representation is admitted, it will also be necessary to identify the person representing the User by the same means, as well as the document proving the representation. The photocopy of the DNI may be replaced by any other legally valid means that proves identity. - Request with the specific reasons for the request or information to which you want to access. - Address for notification purposes. - Date and signature of the applicant. - Any document that proves the request you make. This request and any other attached document may be sent to the following address and / or email: Postal address: Calle Aragon 259, 08007 Barcelona, Spain Email: Links to third party websites The Website may include hyperlinks or links that allow access to web pages of third parties other than VOA COLLECTIVE, and that therefore are not operated by VOA COLLECTIVE. The owners of these websites will have their own data protection policies, being themselves, in each case, responsible for their own files and their own privacy practices. Claims before the supervisory authority In the event that the User considers that there is a problem or violation of current regulations in the way in which their personal data is being processed, they will have the right to effective judicial protection and to file a claim with a control authority, in particular, in the State in which you have your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged offense. In the case of Spain, the control authority is the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( Acceptance and changes in this privacy policy It is necessary that the User has read and agrees with the conditions on the protection of personal data contained in this Privacy Policy, as well as that they accept the processing of their personal data so that the Responsible for the treatment can proceed to the same in the form, during the periods and for the purposes indicated. The use of the Website will imply the acceptance of its Privacy Policy. VOA COLLECTIVE reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy, according to its own criteria, or motivated by a legislative, jurisprudential or doctrinal change of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. Changes or updates to this Privacy Policy will be explicitly notified to the User. This Privacy Policy was updated on October 1, 2020 to adapt to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to treatment of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPD).
  • Cookies Policy
    Access to this Website may involve the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each User —in the different devices that they can use to navigate— so that the server remembers certain information that later and only the server that implemented it will read. Cookies facilitate navigation, make it more friendly, and do not damage the navigation device. Cookies are automatic procedures for collecting information regarding the preferences determined by the User during his visit to the Website in order to recognize him as a User, and personalize his experience and use of the Website, and may also, for example, help to identify and resolve errors. The information collected through cookies may include the date and time of visits to the Website, the pages viewed, the time spent on the Website and the sites visited just before and after it. However, no cookie allows it to contact the User's phone number or any other means of personal contact. No cookie can extract information from the User's hard drive or steal personal information. The only way that the User's private information is part of the Cookie file is for the user to personally give that information to the server. Cookies that allow you to identify a person are considered personal data. Therefore, the Privacy Policy described above will apply to them. In this sense, for the use of the same, the consent of the User will be necessary. This consent will be communicated, based on an authentic choice, offered through an affirmative and positive decision, before the initial treatment, removable and documented. Third party cookies They are cookies used and managed by external entities that provide VOA COLLECTIVE with services requested by it to improve the Website and the user experience when browsing the Website. The main objectives for which third-party cookies are used are to obtain access statistics and analyze navigation information, that is, how the User interacts with the Website. The information obtained refers, for example, to the number of pages visited, the language, the place where the IP address from which the User accesses, the number of Users who access, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the visit time, the browser they use, the operator or type of device from which the visit is made. This information is used to improve the Website, and detect new needs to offer Users a Content and / or service of the highest quality. In any case, the information is collected anonymously and trend reports on the Website are prepared without identifying individual users. You can obtain more information about cookies, information about privacy, or consult the description of the type of cookies used, their main characteristics, expiration period, etc. at the following link (s): The entity(ies) in charge of the provision of cookies may transfer this information to third parties, as long as it is required by law or a third party is the one that processes this information for said entities. Social media cookies VOA COLLECTIVE incorporates social network plugins, which allow access to them from the Website. For this reason, social network cookies can be stored in the User's browser. The owners of these social networks have their own data protection and cookie policies, being themselves, in each case, responsible for their own files and their own privacy practices. The User must refer to them to find out about said cookies and, where appropriate, the processing of their personal data. For informational purposes only, the links where these privacy and / or cookie policies can be consulted are indicated below: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Google+: Pinterest: LinkedIn: Disable, reject and delete cookies The User can disable, reject and delete the cookies - totally or partially - installed on his device through the configuration of his browser (among which are, for example, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Explorer). In this sense, the procedures for rejecting and deleting cookies may differ from one Internet browser to another. Consequently, the User must refer to the instructions provided by the Internet browser they are using. In the event that you reject the use of cookies - totally or partially - you may continue to use the Website, although the use of some of its features may be limited. Changes in the Cookies Policy It is possible that the Cookies Policy of the Website changes or is updated, therefore it is recommended that the User review this policy each time they access the Website in order to be adequately informed about how and why we use cookies. SAW. LINKS POLICY It is reported that the VOA COLLECTIVE Website puts or can make available to Users means of link (such as, among others, links, banners, buttons), directories and search engines that allow Users to access websites belonging to and / or managed by third parties. The installation of these links, directories and search engines on the Website is intended to make it easier for Users to search for and access the information available on the Internet, without it being considered a suggestion, recommendation or invitation to visit them. VOA COLLECTIVE does not offer or market, by itself or through third parties, the products and / or services available on said linked sites. Likewise, it will not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of sites outside its property that can be accessed through the links. VOA COLLECTIVE will in no case review or control the content of other websites, nor will it approve, examine or endorse the products and services, content, files and any other material on the aforementioned linked sites. VOA COLLECTIVE does not assume any responsibility for damages that may occur due to the access, use, quality or legality of the contents, communications, opinions, products and services of the websites not managed by VOA COLLECTIVE and that are linked on this Site Web. The User or third party who makes a hyperlink from a web page of another, different, website to the VOA COLLECTIVE Website must know that: The reproduction - totally or partially - of any of the Contents and / or Services of the Website is not allowed without the express authorization of VOA COLLECTIVE. Nor is any false, inaccurate or incorrect manifestation allowed on the VOA COLLECTIVE Website, nor on its Contents and / or Services. With the exception of the hyperlink, the website on which said hyperlink is established will not contain any element of this Website, protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, unless expressly authorized by VOA COLLECTIVE. The establishment of the hyperlink will not imply the existence of relations between VOA COLLECTIVE and the owner of the website from which it is made, nor the knowledge and acceptance of VOA COLLECTIVE of the contents, services and / or activities offered on said website, and viceversa.
  • Intellectual and Industrial Property
    VOA COLLECTIVE by itself or as a transferee, is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website, as well as the elements contained therein (by way of example and not exhaustive, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts, brands or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.). They will, therefore, be works protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, being applicable both the Spanish and Community regulations in this field, as well as the international treaties related to the matter and signed by Spain. All rights reserved. By virtue of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this web page, for commercial purposes, are expressly prohibited. in any support and by any technical means, without the authorization of VOA COLLECTIVE. The User agrees to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of VOA COLLECTIVE. You can view the elements of the Website or even print, copy and store them on your computer's hard drive or on any other physical medium as long as it is exclusively for your personal use. The User, however, may not delete, alter, or manipulate any protection device or security system that was installed on the Website. In the event that the User or third party considers that any of the Contents of the Website constitutes a violation of the rights of protection of intellectual property, they must immediately notify VOA COLLECTIVE through the contact details of the GENERAL INFORMATION section of this Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use.
  • Legal Actions, Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction"
    VOA COLLECTIVE reserves the right to file the civil or criminal actions it deems necessary for the improper use of the Website and its Contents, or for the breach of these Conditions. The relationship between the User and VOA COLLECTIVE will be governed by current regulations and applicable in the Spanish territory. Should any controversy arise in relation to the interpretation and / or application of these Conditions, the parties will submit their conflicts to ordinary jurisdiction, submitting to the corresponding judges and courts in accordance with the law. Last modification: October 1, 2020
  • Legal Guarantee
    This legal guarantee covers any defects in material or workmanship in our new products. This guarantee covers all defects as long as they are not caused by accident, normal wear and tear or hard force, modification, unusual stress, improper or unauthorized repair, or improper storage. This guarantee does not cover any fractured, scratched or shattered lenses. VOA will address non-conformities within a period of 2 years after the date of purchase. If an article is faulty, VOA will, as appropriate, repair or replace. These procedures will be free of charge for the consumer and user.
  • Guarantee Period
    The legal guarantee period is two (2) years from the documented date of purchase. The two-year period starts from the day you received the product: - If you walked into a shop and walked out with the product, the guarantee period starts on that date. - If you paid for the product but it was delivered at a later date, the two-year period starts from the date of delivery. You should therefore always keep your sales receipts and any delivery statements.
  • Product defective or damaged
    If a product you purchased is defective or damaged, you should inmediately contact VOA to inform us of the issue. VOA will provide guarantee coverage only if your guarantee claim complies with all terms of the legal guarantee. VOA will inform you on the return procedure if needed. Repairing or replacing defective goods: The primary method for fixing a defect or fault is repair. If repairing is impossible or would cause unreasonable costs, the item can be replaced with a faultless one. VOA has the right to repair the defect or fault after receiving notice of the problem from the buyer. The repairs are to be done within a reasonable time, without causing a decrease in the value of the item and without undue inconvenience for the buyer. Replacement: A defective item can be replaced with a faultless one if repairing is impossible or would involve unreasonable costs. If the guarantee is still valid, the guarantee period is not reset with the replacement product: the original guarantee will remain in place. The replacement item must correspond to the defective one in value and quality, and it must fulfil the criteria according to which the consumer purchased the original product. VOA may refuse to supply a faultless replacement item if this would cause unreasonable costs – for instance if it is no longer manufactured. If it is impossible to either repair or replace the products, the company may provide compensation in the form of a discount or a complete cancellation of the sale. If your product doesn’t qualify for guarantee service under this legal guarantee or you can’t provide proof of purchase, you may still request to have it repaired by VOA, but charges may apply. Please contact our customer service for more information:
  • Governing Law
    Applicable law, in the event of any dispute or conflict in the interpretation of the terms that comprise these Conditions of Use and guarantee, or for any questions regarding our services, shall be the Spanish law.
  • Returns and Refunds Policy
    This Return Policy is to customers who purchased VOA products from OVO COLLECTIVE S.L. through the online store at You may return items purchased from for an exchange or refund in accordance with the terms set forth in this Policy. If you would like to Return an item or items purchased from VOA online store, you may do so within 14 working days following the date of delivery. Working days to exercise your right of withdrawal will be counted with reference to the applicable legislation of the location where the product is delivered. You will be refunded the amount paid for the item(s) within a maximum period of fifteen (15) days after the Return has been received in our warehouse and validated. The article(s) must be in perfect condition, like new, and returned in its/their original packaging, along with all the accessories. Refunds: VOA will refund the amount paid (excluding any return delivery and administrative costs) to the card with which you made the payment. Only the original purchaser of the product(s) can request a return as the refund will be directly made to the card with which the payment was made. In accordance with applicable regulations, your legal right to withdrawal will not be applicable to orders for goods manufactured according to customer specifications or which are clearly personalized. All products purchased from can only be returned from the same country or territory that it was shipped to, as indicated at the order confirmation stage of purchase. VOA will not be responsible or liable if any item(s) you wish to return to VOA is/are lost, misdirected or delivered late. The customer must bear the risks of shipping their purchase. How to return a product: To initiate a return for any item(s) purchased on, you must contact our customer service VOA will provide you with the shipping label and the return document. All returns must be shipped using our logistics supplier and must have attached the appropriate returns shipping label, as provided by VOA. Please, keep a record of the shipping tracking number. VOA expressly reserves the right to refuse returns that do not fully comply with VOA's Return Policy and all other applicable polices governing purchases made through All non-conforming returns will be returned to sender at a charge per shipment. All returns must be packed securely and should be shipped in their original outer shipping packing. If the original outer shipping packing is not available, then you must substitute a strong outer shipping carton and foam packing materials of comparable quality suitable for shipping fragile items. All non-conforming returns will be returned to sender at a charge.
  • Orders Accepted
    We only accept orders that originate from customers in the designated countries from our navigation selection. We reserve the right to reject any orders at our sole discretion.
  • Purchase and secure payment
    To purchase an item from VOA online store, simply select "SHOP” on the home page menu, select the product you want to purchase and type in the number of units you wish to purchase of the selected item, then click on the "Add to Cart" button to add it to your virtual cart. You can continue adding items to your cart or go directly to checkout. If you wish to checkout, you can do so by clicking on the cart icon that appears on the upper right corner of the page. You will then be directed to our secure checkout area where you will be asked to provide a billing address and a delivery address (which may be different to the billing address, for example: a work address, a company, the address of the person you wish to send a gift to...). The final step is the Secure Payment, where you are able to select from a variety of payment methods. The essential characteristics and the price of each product are displayed on the website. An order is not accepted until it has been confirmed by VOA. The contract between you and VOA for the purchase of products from OVO COLLECTIVE S.L. is executed upon receipt, by you, of an order confirmation sent to you via email at the address provided to you by VOA at checkout. By submitting your order via the website, you agree to pay the purchase price for the product(s) you selected plus handling costs, and applicable duties and/or taxes, if any. Your debit or credit card will be charged this amount at the time you submit your order. accepts different forms of payments depending on the country of the billing address. Including: Credit Cards: - Visa/MasterCard - American Express - Discover - JCB - Union Pay Debit Cards: - Visa - Maestro Others: - Wire transfer (by Klarna) - PayPal In some cases, after pressing the ‘Purchase’ button, you may be directed to your bank’s webpage where you will be asked for an extra security password for payment with your Visa card or MasterCard. This is the 3D Secure Code, a security system which has been developed by your bank and which will ask you for your password to ensure your payment is secure. This password for online shopping with your card is personal to you and should be given to you by your bank. For further information, please contact your bank directly or our Customer Service Team. Once payment has been received and your order has been confirmed, your order will automatically be processed. Confirmation of your order also confirms your acceptance of the whole Terms and Conditions of Sale through VOAcollective online store. You will receive an email with the confirmation and details of your order. The prices of VOA products are shown in Euros, and taxes may apply depending on your location. We reserve the right to change the prices of the products on the website at any time and without prior notice.
  • Price, Payment and Taxes"
    By submitting your order via the Website, you agree to pay the purchase price for the product(s) you selected. Shipping and handling cost are free of charge worldwide. Duties and/or taxes may apply, if any. Your debit or credit card will be charged this amount at the time you submit your order. Payments as well as refunds are all invoiced in Euro (EUR). Credit cards will be debited in Euro, and thus, due to exchange rates, the final price will be calculated in the applicable exchange rate the day the credit card company processes the transaction.
  • Delivery's trusted logistics company is UPS. VOA’s delivery terms and conditions are subject to UPS Policy. VOA’s customer accepts UPS as the logistics service provider. Free Delivery: Europe: 6 business days US: 6 business days ROW: 10 business days Due to logistical reasons, the delivery of our products may be subject to a delay of around 2 weeks. UPS Service Overview: UPS provides services as set out in the applicable UPS Service & Tariff Guide, as amended by UPS from time to time. All goods are carried subject to the applicable UPS Terms & Conditions of Carriage, as amended by UPS from time to time, the UPS Service & Tariff Guide, and in particular subject to the limits of liability set out therein. As set out in the same documents, UPS offers a facility for obtaining coverage in excess of these liability limits. UPS reserves the right to alter its service offerings at its discretion from time to time. For more information about delivery or shipment, please contact our Customer Service
  • Cancellations
    We do not accept any cancellations, except as specified in our Return Policy or required by applicable law.
  • Governing Law
    Applicable law, in the event of any dispute or conflict in the interpretation of the terms that comprise these Conditions of Use and warranty, or for any questions regarding our services, shall be the Spanish law.
  • Arbitration of Disputes
    Applicable law, in the event of any dispute or conflict in the interpretation of the terms that comprise these Conditions of Use and warranty, or for any questions regarding our services, shall be the Spanish law.


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